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Available January 24, 2020




Football is big in the state of Georgia but no one is paying attention to the talented youths in little old Rockdale County. The previous youth football program in Rockdale County was dissolved in 2018 and taken over by the county’s Parks and Recreation program. The first season for the 10U program was a rough one and the kids finished the season only winning two games and failing to advance out of the first round of the playoffs. For this 2019 season the 10U team feels as if they have all of the necessary components to go all the way and win it all. This docu-series offers that inside look at the new coaches, new players and all of the practice and hard work that it takes to have a championship team. With football there are always skeptics that are unsure if children should play the sport of football because of the concussions and other possible injuries but this series will shed light on the child certification process, the hard work on the practice field, the importance of proper technique and so much more.

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